Alex and Conner, sister-brother twins, open up a beloved book of stories only to find themselves sucked into the book. I’m pretty sure I didn’t see Ella for a month last summer when she blazed through this entire series. Princess Miranda thinks Maude is the most offensive person she’s ever met because she eats hard-boiled eggs and if there is one thing you should know about Miranda, it’s that she deeply despises hard-boiled eggs. What Ella has to say: It was interesting to see the contrasts between a princess and a complete nerd.

There’s a second book in the series out – Banana Pants! – with a third coming this fall. Any chance they’ll become friends (spoiler: yes). Maude, on the other hand, loves school, rules, and grades. Princess Miranda is not interested in school – she wants to throw parties and go shopping. It starts with a duo that is, naturally, at odds with each other. This first book in the series is an easier read (along the lines of Judy Moody or Ivy & Bean), with lots of illustrations. The Princess and the Absolutely Not a Princess by Emma Wunsch, illustrated by Jessika von Innerebner
Like last time, I’ve written a description of each the books, plus noted the number of pages and then she’s added her commentary at the end of each review. Of course, if there’s anything better than a good book recommendation, it’s MORE book recommendations, so we’re back this month with five more third grade books Ella loves and ones your child might love too. You guys were so enthusiastic about Ella’s first post about the 3rd grade books she loved.